Monday, 3 April 2017

Which Wych is Which?

After my previous post about finally setting on a faction to torment Martin's Thousand Sons, I spent the last week (in between Uni and work) working on a combination of army and shopping list.

My first attempt was not particularly successful, although it undoubtedly had some great models, I found I had the minimum of troops choices, rocking up with a unit of 10 wyches in a raider and a further 5 in a venom, on discussion with Martin, I felt that this was not going to cut it in comparison with what he was  going to be rocking up with for 2500 points.
My other issue was that the army was full of bite sized chunks that would not hold up against any bolter based attention. This is something that the Dark Eldar struggle against at the best of times, but due to the fact that the units were often at minimum numbers, this was going to prove catastrophic as a marine army would be able to take out multiple units each round, unless I could hide my Wyches like they were on a teddy bears picnic!
My resolution to fix this would be to spend more on troops and increase the size of units where possible. I was aiming for 2500 points, which meant if some of the more exciting choices didn’t fit into this amount, I would have to hold them off until larger points totals.

The list looks like this so far:

HQ. Succubus: Archanite Glaive, Armour of Might (?), Haywire Grenades, Web Way Portal. – As she comes in at the same points as Lelith (minus Impaler sadly) I can swap the two about depending on how I feel.

Elites. Hekatrix Bloodbrides (9), Siren, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlet.

Troops. Wyches (10), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, 3x Hydra Gauntlets.
                Raider, Dark Lance, Night Shield.

Troops. Wyches (10), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, 3x Hydra Gauntlets.
                Raider, Dark Lance, Night Shield.

Troops. Wyches (10), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, 3x Hydra Gauntlets.
                Raider, Dark Lance, Night Shield.

Troops. Wyches (5), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlet.
                Venom, Splinter Cannon, Night Shield.

Troops. Wyches (5), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlet.
                Venom, Splinter Cannon, Night Shield.

Troops. Wyches (5), Hekatrix, Agoniser, Haywire Grenades, Hydra Gauntlet.
                Venom, Splinter Cannon, Night Shield.

Fast Attack. Reaver Jetbikes (6), Arena Champion, Agoniser, 2x Heat Lance or Blasters, 2x Cluster Caltrops.

Fast Attack. Reaver Jetbikes (6), Arena Champion, Agoniser, 2x Heat Lance or Blasters, 2x Cluster Caltrops.

Fast Attack. Hellions (10), Helliarch, Agoniser and Splinter Pistol.

Fast Attack. Hellions (10), Helliarch, Agoniser and Splinter Pistol.

Voidraven Bomber, Night Shield, 4 Implosion Missiles.

2499 points.

The list is a Realspace Raiders List, as we were planning on using the HH rules for objectives, the Objective Secured loss doesn’t seem to be a problem (if Objective Secured is what Martin told me it is), plus the extra FA are a godsend, as personally I feel that Dark Eldar has some of its best choices in this role. The headache that would be trying to decide between Reavers, Scourges, Razorwing, Beastmasters and Hellions, could be a tough one. I've read that the Hellions are much maligned at present, but I love the models, so there will always be a place in my lists for some Skyboard riding ruffians!
Apart from the Hellions the other two models I knew were getting included, were the Voidraven and the Venom, both of which came out after my last Dark Eldar army had been sold.

With this as a plan to work towards, I have worked out a shopping list, as well as some conversions I wish to make. So far it looks like this:

5x Wyches box – 1x Bought
3x Venom box – 1x Bought
1x Witch Elf Box – 1x Bought
4x Raiders
Voidraven Bomber
2x Gangs of Commarragh – 1x Bought

I have also bought a Supreme Sorceress, only because it was cheap, not quite sure how I will use it, yet.

I have built my first two models, a Reaver, just as I had picked up Gangs, and had knew I would be needing at least one basic Reaver, the rest I was waiting until I had planned the weapons options and Arena Champion wargear.
After that I built my Succubus, I've generally always started with a character model whist collecting an army, as I feel by starting this way I can then get a feel of the character of the army in general.
I had Inquisitor Greyfax model from the Triumvirate of the Imperium, which I had snapped up from eBay a while ago as a potential Frostgrave Demon Hunter (it is Valla after all – for any Heroes of the Storm/Diablo 3 fans out there!).
I wanted to turn it into a Dark Eldar model, with the inclusion of some Wych bits, I had contemplated changing a leg out to get the half and half look, but instead opted to keep her body relatively intact, removing the imperial symbols, arm, head and backpack. I decided to keep the backpack plate and then add on a trophy rack. I then added a Wych splinter pistol arm, I was tempted by the blast pistol instead, however the Splinter Pistol arm worked better pose wise, and I felt I may not be doing much shooting anyway! For the other side I needed a Wych lower arm to give it more of a Dark Eldar look than Greyfax's Gauntlet, I chose a Chain Flail (I presume that's what their called) as the sheaved sword would be her main combat weapon, but I like the idea that Succubus' are festooned with optional weapons!
The head was one of the trickier elements, as the Wych head didn’t fit in too well, even after I drilled out the body with a power tool! I had to slim down the neck ball, and trim off the combat drug dispenser which was a bit of an oversight! Although there is Greyfax's cable around the top of the armour which I can paint up to look like a dispenser instead. The neck still looks a bit odd due to the visible trimming, but once base coated this will be fine.
I built the model, and then looked at the rules, I possibly should have done it the other way round, however although she was heavier armoured than I would have expected from most Wyches, I felt it fitted in with the Armour of Might (?) special wargear option, which is the 4+/6++ causes fear (which I thought would fit well with the look of the armour). Rules wise, I remain a wee bit ambivalent about paying the 15 points for it, but the thought of Martin's battle hardened marines turning tail and running at the mere sight of her armour is quite cool!
Still need to decide on the base, but this is her so far:

I will hopefully have some more models to show shortly, I have ordered some Blue Stuff from GreenStuffWorld, to make some push moulds to get the torsos I'm after, hopefully with a bit of green stuff I can change some of the less desirable torsos into the ones I'm after. 

I'm currently doing a spot of painting on her, so should hopefully get a few pics up with my colour scheme and then the finished Succubus. Maybe upon reflection, not the best model to test my scheme on...

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