Our orders haven't turned up as yet, so it was just going to be a small game to familiarise ourselves with the rules, and try out our starter sets.
We had a points limit of 180, although I'm not sure if either of us quite had that much, I was using the contents of Red Veil without any of the fancy Hacking devices!
I had:

Martin had (I think, the ORC may have had a Combi Rifle - will seek clarification!):

This was our table:
Martin rolled a critical for his initiative roll so decided to take first turn. I got to chose deployment zone, so I chose the Mag-Train station, and let Martin set up first.
My Crew/Warband/Unit/Faction? and then deployment:
I had opted for setting everyone up, (I'm not sure if we forgot about holding a model back, or if we just decided to place everything? To keep things simple I decided not to use AD: Combat Jump on the Tiger Soldier, and deployed her at the same time. My lieutenant was the Zhanshi with the Combi Rifle in the air, as it was my only fully painted model!
I had been quite cautious with my deployment, keeping most of my models in cover/out of line of sight. The Hsien was behind cover but would hopefully have a relatively commanding view of the battlefield.
Turn 1: Martin unveiled his Lieutenant (the female Fusilier, allowing him an extra order for her which he used to bring her up on my right flank. His models all advanced (the Bagh-Mari was using Advanced Deploy, so stayed off the board). As everything was hidden away, ARO's were at a minimum, I did get a single ARO from a Zhanshi on his ORC, in which I inflicted a wound (we forgot about Guts checks, so there was no further action).
On my turn I decided against unveiling my Lieutenant and kept her out of sight, I spent my first order to move the Hsien into line of sight of his Nisses, to try to take out the sniper. Unfortunately as I was briefly out in the open, I lost the face to face and suffered a wound, not a great start! I then spent a second order to shoot the Nisses again, this time as I had made cover with the previous order I would hopefully have the edge due to burst, and I succeeded in killing it (although we only realised yesterday we had missed the bonus to armour for cover, so this was perhaps easier to kill things than it should be!).
I then foolishly tried to move the Zhanshi beside the Lieutenant into a move advantageous firing spot, opting a move-move. This provoked an ARO from the ORC who gunned him down mercilessly as I was in the open - whoops!
At this point I became a bit more wary and spent my last orders moving a few models up, and the TO camo marker (I'm sure Martin had no idea what this marker could be out of all the Camo models I own...).
Turn 2: Martin decided to bring his Bagh-Mari on using a flank, instead of Combat Jumping, unfortunately (and rather madly!) he came on at the side with the Tiger Soldier and the Zhanshi, both of whom had LOS and ARO'd to shoot him down.
He then brought the Father-Knight up to a corner out of LOS, then with another order came round the corner and attacked my Zuyong in CC, who was the only model that could ARO, Martin with CC23 or something insane, chopped down the Invincible...(lived up to that name!) before moving behind a pillar.
On my turn I decided to try out the Ninja, who set upon a game of hunt the Lieutenant and snuck round the corner and shot with the Tactical Bow - turns out despite being an awesome looking model, the Ninja isn't a great shot with the bow and both Martin and I failed our F2F. I decided to take a further order, and on the second attempt I assumed the roll of a budget William Tell and shot her in the face!
Martin would be on Loss of Lieutenant next turn (which would mean lots of reading through rulebook!).
Next my part painted Zhanshi moved up and shot a Fusilier, taking him down with her Combi Rifle.
The Hsien then moved to try to take down the Fusilier with the HMG. Unfortunately it went in Martin's favour and I lost him to the ARO.
I had unveiled my Lieutenant as I felt Martin was going to kill her anyway, and used her order to about face to hopefully get a ARO off against the Father-Knight. Unfortunately there wasn't anywhere that I could move her that would get me another model in LOS due to the death of the Hsien, so I resigned myself to the necessity for a battlefield promotion!
True to form the Father-Knight charged into the Zhanshi Lieutenant and butchered her!
The ORC then moved and shot at the Tiger Soldier, but lost the F2F and died! Leaving just the father Knight and Fusilier HMG.
In my turn also being on Loss of Lieutenant I only had irregular orders, I spent the Ninja's, to move and then shoot the HMG, thankfully I was out of her field of fire, and so she could only declare a change of facing? which resulted in the Ninja scoring another kill.
I then used the Zhanshi to move into LOS of the Father-Knight, winning the F2F and killing him, scoring a victory to the Yu Jing! (unfortunately I seem to have forgotten to take a photo).
We missed a few key rules, which I'm sure we'll iron out for next battle (hopefully tonight), the game was great fun, a lot died and it was pretty fast paced. We were only playing on a 3x3' board, and I think we will look to extend this to 4x4 once we get organised.
I felt the rules were pretty straight forward to pick up, and hopefully once we start getting some new models, we can start experimenting with some Hacking.
The scenery painting is starting, so this will make a big difference to the look of the game, and Martin his pushed on painting a few new models. I've just put together my next addition, a large part of why I chose Yu Jing, the Aragoto Senkenbutai with Asuka Kiraragi!
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