So I am starting a 30K force, joining in with my fellow reprobates. As has been mentioned by my esteemed colleagues, 'Its all Martins fault', none of us had thought about playing 30K till he bought his Thousand Sons (13 years ago Martin wrote his own Thousand Sons Codex for 40K, it was brutal, thankfully Forgeworld have written his current army boom). So what to collect, in 40K I previously played Space Wolves, Emperors Children (heavily converted) and Tau. So what to play for 30K?
Well Martin has his beloved Thousand Sons, Jonathan has his Sons of Horus and Ben has.... Well I'm sure he did a blog post about Dark Eldar, but he sent us a photo of a Commissar (?) this past week which indicates Imperial Militia, next week who knows....
So my beloved Emperors Children and Space Olves have beautiful new models and funky rules, but I've done them and want something new. Imperial Militia seem quite fun, you can really customise them with up to 2 traits, abhuman/ fancy tech/ cult heavy, the options whilst not massive do allow an endless variety of army themes and modelling opportunities. Having small children I don't always have a lot of time to devote to my hobbies, so an army of 100 infantry man plus specialist weapons and vehicles would struggle to get painted before Terras Age of Darkness comes around! Mechanicum, oh now there's a thought, an army made of robots, small but elite and the models are pretty badass, oh Forgeworld do have some lovely, lovely models....
Wait a minute, what's that? Shiny, golden, flying tanks, pimped up jetbikes, gun-blades by the bucket load, the Adeptus Custodes ( literal translation - 'Obtained Watchers' there you are you've learnt something new for the day, so feel free to switch off the brain now). They look nic, I'll have some of those thank you. So I've started by getting a small Custodes box (5 men) and the Talons of the Emperor box, this gives me the following,
10 Custodes,
5 Sisters,
Land raider,
Now the Talons of the Emperor box was created for 40k not 30k so a few issues arise, but I'll come to that in a minute.
So how to model the models (I know, it's poor English but you're not reading this for quality writing are you!), well the Sisters first, weapons are double handed power weapons (very nice), bolters (OK, but a bit boring) or flamers, I think flamers has it, it makes them a heavy support choice, but that is not a problem.
The 10 Custodes I'll make up as a Shield Captain (HQ choice) and three squads of three men, two of the squads will be armed with the Custodes Spear (with the built in bolter weaponry), these can be upgraded to shorter range anti armour guns built into the spear, but with these first two small squads I'll stick with and are weaponry. The third squad will be equipped with the shield and sword, they are much less powerful in the shooting phase but they are more survivable in the combat phase, their key purpose is suicidal charges into uber-killy units and hold them up, only time will tell if that will work!
The dreadnougt is a 40k model, it's right arm comes with an Assault Cannon or Multimelta, not options for 30K, my dreadnought come with either sword and shield or 2 close combat weapons with an option to add on a dreadnought size Custodes Spear. This however is a simple problem to solve, I'll get a dreadnought close combat right arm to replace the 40k gun arm options and then create a spear from various bits, what exactly I'm not sure, will have to see how the conversion goes. I'll also add a few more little decorative tweaks.
The Rhino and Landraider are not usable in my Horus Heresy army, now you may think this was a daft purchase, but the big box was a good deal, I have a couple of options, firstly keep them, and use them for a small Imperial Militia army that I would like to create (in a similar manner to Military orders, the Custodes would be the Knights, the militia the common soldiers), or sell/trade the vehicles. And what do you know Martin has just said he may be willing to take them off my hands in return for....well that's still to be decided.
Well I'll update you all when I have some photos.
Oh and I've just heard from Ben, he's going to collect a Mechanicum army, but with an interesting twist, but i'll let him tell you all about that.
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